Subsea Clamp

Subsea Clamp

Butler’s subsea clamp is a simple, solid and effective clamp. The clamp is designed to hold together a bundle of cables during e.g. repair and splicing. The clamp is easy to use and is operated efficiently by an ROV. It is adapted to..

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ROV-operated Friction Clamp 

ROV-operated Friction Clamp 

Butler Solutions have a long track record in design and production of friction clamps for the offshore industry. The clamps are being used both top-side and subsea. Our latest delivery is a friction clamp being operated by an ROV. The design is made to make it easy to operate, lightweight but yet robust.

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Wire Centralizer – testing av en idè

Wire Centralizer - test of an idea

AN IDEA IS NOT GOOD UNTIL IT HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY TESTED! Initially, the idea was relatively simple. But – would it work as planned? In practice? Would it produce the right results? Everything would be decided during an extensive test carried out close to Butler's premises in Jørpeland,...

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Tailored ROV Subsea Basket 

Tailored ROV Subsea Basket 

Butler skreddersyr verktøy for offshore-industrien ROV Subsea Basket ble utviklet og designet for en del år tilbake, og vi skreddersyr verktøyet etter behov hos våre kunder. Butler Solutions er erfarne leverandører av installasjonshjelpemidler og undervanns-verktøy...

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