Testing of Testing of Flowline Lifting Tool (FLT) with AR glases
After a hectic year with a lot of activity, we ended the year with the delivery of a 150 ton Flowline Lifting Tool (FLT). This is our first major export delivery, but we have several export orders on order, so it will be an exciting 2025. 

2024 started with a delivery of a 110-tonne FLT, so it was extra exciting to end the year with the largest FLT that we have produced. Our FLT can be delivered with both mechanical and hydraulic closure. This FLT will retrieve a termination head and flowline from a depth of approx. 1500 meters, so we chose a mechanical solution operated by an ROV.

The customer followed the test via Teams 

The last week of 2024 we tested the FLT, and ended with a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT). The customer followed the test via Teams where we used AR glasses (Augmented Reality) so that those who wanted to, could follow along. The advantage of using AR glasses is when the customer can ask to see specific things and we can look at it by the person wearing the AR glasses. Another advantage is of course that the customer can save large sums of money by not having to travel. Ten people from the customer followed the test from their own office. Load tests were also carried out on FLT where the test load was a 165 ton vertical and 40 ton horizontal lift. All tests were carried out in our own premises.

Det ble også utført lastetest av FLT der testlasten var et 165 tonn vertikalt og 40 tonn horisontalt løft. Alle testene ble utført i våre egne lokaler.

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