Time-saving and automated “needle operation” with subLOOPER®
Moving GRP Protection Covers on seabed might be a time challenging task.
GRP Protection Covers are supplied with holes for soft slings and this require a one sided “needle threading” operation, carried out with an ROV. This takes a lot of time, but clever ROV pilots will always fix it.
Med subLOOPER® blir den tidskrevende tre-operasjonen automatisert. Du trenger fortsatt de samme myke stroppene, samme ROV og ROV Pilot, men tiden som brukes til å montere dem på GRP-dekselet reduseres til et minimum. subLOOPER® sørger for sikker montering og tidsbesparende drift.
Magisk teknologi
The technology is made from a mechanical principal for change of hinge side based on position and force load. This allows us to change hinge side, by just push and pull the tool in one operation. It looks like magic when you first see it in operation. subLOOPER® have already saved a lot of operational time in projects.
Customers review
"subLOOPER® is an ingenious idea that was created into a product by Butler. During the operation, we experienced ROV pilots competing on how quickly the soft straps could be mounted using subLOOPer®."
Kim Slaake, Subsea Engineer – OceanInstaller. «
"I was confident that the subLOOPER® would save us the vessel's time and would be the right tool for the job of removing 20 GRP covers. I believed in the idea of subLOOPER® and Butler's ability to make a great product. Some said they would "eat their hat" if subLOOPER® worked. How the hat tasted, I don't know, but someone had to eat it."
consultant, underwater operations.
"We are very pleased with the subLOOPER, and it saves us a lot of time during the® installation of softslings when moving subsea covers."
Richard Hausken Røthe, senior project engineer – DeepOcean
Do you want more information? Please contact us.